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Cranial osteopathy

Feel relaxed with cranial osteopathy from James Bibby & Associates in Hassocks

Feel relaxed and help to manage pain

There are many benefits to cranial osteopathy from James Bibby & Associates, including relieving tension and headaches in adults and helping babies with many issues that could be causing them discomfort. You can be assured that our treatments will be carried out with the utmost care. 

Head Massage
Cranial osteopathy: About Me

Cranial osteopathy for adults

A great benefit of cranial osteopathy is the sense of relaxation and calm that it can bring you. It can also assist with back and neck pain, headaches, congestion issues in the ears and nose and even internal issues. While it can help reduce any pain and discomfort, it can also bring a sense of wellbeing and comfort.

Head Massage

Cranial osteopathy for babies

Cranial osteopathy can relieve a number of problems for your baby, such as feeding troubles that are the result of a sore jaw or cases of reflux that have cropped up because of an affected diaphragm. Treatments are usually given every few days to start with and then less frequently. Head pains in babies can also actually masquerade as colic or reflux, so this can benefit it. We'll gently and carefully care for your baby, making sure they're comfortable and well looked after.


How cranial osteopathy can help

James Bibby & Associates in Hassocks can bring you specialist cranial osteopathy. 

66A Keymer Road,

01444 248002

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